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Upper Removable Appliance (URA)

Removable appliance is an appliance that is not fixed to teeth but can be removed by the patient. It usually contains spring, screws, clasps and acrylic base plate. This appliance is often used in situation whereby simple teeth movement are needed only and it can allow patients to perform better oral hygiene by removing it. However,  this appliance requires compliance from the patient to wear it.

Fixed Appliance

Fixed appliance is probably the most common type of orthodontic appliances in use today. They consist of small brackets that are attached onto the front surface of the teeth and a thin wire which is often held in place by elastic loops.This appliance allows multiple tooth movements simultaneously and more effectively as compared to removable appliance. The treatment usually lasts from 6 months to 30 months depending upon the severity of the problem. It is very important to maintain an excellent oral hygiene and dental health throughout the orthodontic treatment

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Valplast® is a type of flexible, nylon resin that is developed for the use in flexible removable denture. Valplast®  Flexible Partials were invented in the early 1950’s as an alternative to traditional metal and acrylic removable partial dentures (RPD’s). By using a flexible nylon base, Valplast®  eliminates the need for metal frameworks or acrylic resins for the construction of removable partial dentures.

Tooth Replacement Options

When you’re ready to replace missing teeth, you have a number of potential solutions available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Replacing your missing teeth is a big decision and it is important to consider several factors.


When considering a removable partial denture, many people find the Valplast®  Flexible Partials to be the most comfortable option, and the final restoration can be made very quickly. While the cost is often higher than a partial made with visible clasps, the results of the flexible partial are beautiful, and patient satisfaction is very high. The Valplast®  Flexible Partials involves only non-invasive procedures, and gives you confidence in your restoration while talking, eating and most importantly: smiling.


If you can’t bear the thought of visible metal clasps or a series of temporaries that change with each appointment, Valplast®  Flexible Partials is an option that looks very natural and will stay beautiful and comfortable for years to come. Even fixed restorations that look good at first could deteriorate over time due to gum recession or changes in your mouth.

Valplast Denture can be flexed


Denture acrylics and metal alloys may be prone to breakage and fracture over the course of time. Valplast®  Flexible Partials come with a lifetime warranty against breakage and fracture for the denture base under normal use. Valplast®  Flexible Partials can also be rebase and have teeth added to it if modifications are necessary over time.


If cost is your primary consideration, removable restorations are the more affortable solution, Valplast®  combines great value with excellent aesthetic that often rival the appearance of more expensive fixed restorations.

Information above is taken from Valplast®  International Crop.


Direct Porcelain Veneer –Duo:PCH ™

Porcelain Composite Hybrid veneers from duoPCH

Duo:PCH is a Porcelain Composite Hybrid is an entirely new esthetics category, combining the convenience of a composite build-up with the finishing beauty of Cerinate ® porcelain. Formerly known as Lumineers, they are much more simple and affordable as compared with the conventional porcelain veneers.

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Porcelain veneers in Duo:PCH ™ comes with different shape and size that allow the dentist to mix and match veneer to patient’s tooth. And finally, the veneers are bonded to the teeth using strong resin composite material.

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The set of duoPCH consist of the composite resin bonding part and the porcelain veneer selection part.
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The porcelain veneer selection part
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Variety of shape and size for fitting of porcelain veneer to patient month.
The Cerinate ® porcelain veneers.
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The bonding part of Duo:PCH ™ with multiple shade/colour selection.

Our case with Duo:PCH ™

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This young lady complaint about her teeth discolouration due to tetracycline staining.

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Six veneers were placed over the front surface of the incisors and canine.

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End result… The lip at rest and smiling.

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Traditional porcelain veneers vs Direct Porcelain Veneer –Duo:PCH ™ (or formerlly known as Lumineers)


Once referred to as Lumineers, Duo:PCH ™ are a special type of veneers that can be applied over teeth to repair small cracks or chips, hide discoloration or correct imperfections. Just like traditional veneers, Duo:PCH ™ can reshape the appearance of your smile. The main difference between Duo:PCH ™ and standard porcelain veneers concerns the material used to create them. Duo:PCH ™ are manufactured from a special porcelain – patented Cerinate porcelain – that is much thinner than the porcelain that is used in the making of traditional veneers. The thickness of Duo:PCH ™ is similar to that of contact lenses. While veneers placement is normally a irreversible procedure, with Duo:PCH ™ the procedure is so less invasive that it may often be reversible.

The main benefit of choosing Duo:PCH ™ is that they require minimal – if any – grinding or shaving so your natural teeth will pretty much be left intact. Traditional veneers require more tooth reduction and many patients are not convinced they want veneers for ever. Duo:PCH ™ are more suitable for patients who only wish to try dental veneers for a short period of time. Patients with serious problems however tend to prefer traditional porcelain veneers. Duo:PCH ™ are a great solution for slightly misaligned, stained, discolored or chipped teeth. Make sure you find an experienced cosmetic dentist who can properly place your Duo:PCH ™. You can easily switch from Duo:PCH ™ to traditional veneers whenever you consider yourself ready for a more permanent solution to your smile problem.

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Duo:PCH ™ Gives More Patients the Choice of a New Smile

Not every patient can afford veneers, especially in today’s economy. Until now, there hasn’t been a more affordable solution that you can stand behind clinically.
Duo:PCH changes that.

Cerinate ® porcelain
Cerinate ® porcelain

Duo:PCH Porcelain Composite Hybrid is an entirely new esthetics category, combining the convenience of a composite build-up with the finishing beauty of Cerinate ® porcelain.


Wishing — Selamat Hari Raya to all our Muslim friends and Happy Holiday to all Malaysians. We close during this festival season which will be from 19 Aug (Sun) to 22 Aug (Wed). We will resume business as usual on 23 Aug (Thu).

For dental appointment & enquiry , please call us at +6(03) 8060 3389 or email us

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