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Resin Veneers or better know as composite veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored, translucent filling, custom made to fit over teeth and improve their color, shape and overall appearance. Placement of composite veneers can dramatically improve your smile and appearance.

Composite veneer technique

Types of problems that composite veneers can correct

Placement of dental veneers is sometimes referred to as “instant orthodontics” because they can be used to cover a variety of dental problems involving teeth in the “smile zone” including:

  • Spaces between the teeth.
  • Conical or ‘peg’ shape lateral incisor.
  • Poorly shaped or crooked teeth.
  • Broken or chipped teeth.
  • Permanently externally stained and/or internally stained teeth.
  • Unsightly or stained fillings.
Generalize spacing and ‘peg’ shape right lateral incisor
Chipped incisor
Unsightly or stained fillings

Dental veneers (either composite or porcelain veneer) can improve the appearance of the teeth but they cannot realign the jaw or correct overbites and underbites. Orthodontics are required to correct these more complicated problems.

The advantages of composite resin veneers vs. porcelain veneers

  • Composite veneers can be done on the spot. The time spent might be from 30 minutes to 2 hours or more depends on the number of tooth involved.  They do not required second visit.
  • Composite veneers produce the same aesthetic result as porcelain veneers. Therefore, no one can tell whether you have a composite or porcelain done except your dentist!
  • Composite veneers can be repair if there is any chipping or fracture.
  • Composite veneers are very cheap (From MYR150 toMYR250 per tooth; depends on how difficult and big the defect is).

The major disadvantages of porcelain veneers over composite resin include the following:

  • Porcelain veneers are not made at chairside. Porcelain veneers are fabricated in a dental laboratory and therefore require at least two visits. Composite resin veneers are accomplished in one visit. An adequate amount of tooth structure is removed to allow for placement of composite resin in the desired shape without added tooth bulk. Bonding agent is applied. Composite resin is then added, light cured, then finished and polished.
  • Porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers. The placement of veneers requires more time, expertise and resources in order to fabricate and bond and therefore cost more.
  • Porcelain veneers cannot be repaired. If they break porcelain veneers must be replaced.

The advantages of porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers have several advantages compared to composite resin including:

  • Porcelain veneers are very durable. Although porcelain veneers are very thin, usually between 0.5 – 0.7 millimeters and inherently brittle, once bonded to healthy tooth structure it becomes very strong. Porcelain veneers can last for many years, usually 10-15 years, if you take good care of them using good oral hygiene and avoiding using them to crack or chew hard objects like ice.
  • Porcelain veneers create a very life-like and natural tooth appearance. The translucent properties of the porcelain allows the veneers to mimic the light handling characteristics of enamel giving it a sense of depth which is not possible with other cosmetic bonding materials such as composite resin.
  • Porcelain veneers resist staining. Unlike other cosmetic dental bonding materials, porcelain is a smooth, impervious ceramic and therefore will not pick up permanent stain from cigarette smoking or from dark or richly colored liquids or spices.
  • Porcelain veneers are conservative. Only a small amount of tooth structure is removed, if any during the procedure.

Cases done in our practice using composite veneers…

Case 1

This young man complaint of generalized spacing and a peg-shaped right lateral incisor. Composite material was used to close all the gaps between his teeth (Below).


Case 2

This patient fell down and broke her front teeth while playing spot. The tooth was restore with composite veneer. ‘Stained’ or chalky white patches resin composite was place on the front surface of the veneer to mimic the neighbour  teeth (Below).

Case 3

Old filling at the center of his upper front teeth looked yellowish and rough. Those fillings were removed and replaces by new composite veneers (Below).

Case 4

Yellow stain due to uneven surface at the front teeth and old yellow filling were replace by composite veneers (Below).

Case 5

Multiple decays at the front teeth were treated with composite veneer  (Below).

Case 6

Defect of the lateral incisor was repaired with resin composite  (Below).

Case 7

Generalize unevenness of this young man front teeth gave a older look. With composite veneer correction, he looks youthful again!! (Below).

Case 8

Old composite veneers on all the six front teeth on this lady was stained at the margin. The composite were removed and were replaced with the new one  (Below).

Are you a good candidate for dental veneers?

Dental veneers are not appropriate for everyone or every tooth. Case selection is an extremely important factor in the success of this technique. Veneering teeth is not a reversible procedure if tooth structure must be removed to achieve your desired result Only an examination by your dentist can determine whether dental veneers are appropriate for making the changes you want. Some of the situations where certain teeth or people are not good candidates for dental veneers include:

  • Unhealthy teeth. Dental decay and active gum disease must be treated prior to fabricating and bonding dental veneers.
  • Weakened teeth. If a significant amount of tooth structure is missing or has been replaced by a large filling the teeth will not be strong enough to function with a dental veneer.
  • Teeth with an inadequate amount of enamel present. Dental veneers are more successfully bonded onto tooth enamel.
  • People who habitually clench or grind on their teeth. Habitual clenching and grinding of the teeth can easily chip or break dental veneers. Dental nightguards may be a solution for this in some cases.
  • Persons without a stable bite.
  • Severely malpositioned teeth or misaligned teeth. Orthodontic treatment may be required to achieve the desired result.

How to maintain Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers can chip or come off if not cared for properly. To improve their durability and longevity you need to maintain consistent good oral hygiene and have regular dental examinations and cleanings at least twice each year. In addition, you must avoid using them to bite or crack hard objects like nuts and ice.

What are the alternatives to composite veneers?

The closest cosmetic alternative to composite veneers is porcelain veneers which are more durable and more resistance to staining. However, they are more costly and require at least 2 visits. On top of that, there is another method to improve smile: Snap-on Smile, a  multi-purpose restorative appliance that requires no preparation or altering of tooth structure, no injections, and no adhesives. It is non-invasive, making it completely reversible.
Dental crowns may also be used to correct the same problems that dental veneers correct, however it is a much less conservative procedure.

More info..


  • Introductions
  • Composition of composite resin
  • Restoring Composite Resin


White filling or composite resin is getting more and more popular currently as it produces a nice aesthetic result. Previously silver filling (amalgam) is preferred due to low cost, easy to handle and it has a good mechanical properties (amalgam is strong and durable). However, current composite resin is as strong and durable as amalgam and on top of that, it produce a ‘hard to see restoration’ on the tooth making it a preferred choice for dentist and patient. Anyway, Nobody wants their filling to be seen!!

Composition of composite resin

Composite resins are composed of:
  • Bis-GMA monomers or some Bis-GMA analog
  • a filler material such as silica and in most current applications,
  • a photoinitiator
  • Dimethacrylates are also commonly added to achieve certain physical properties such as flowability.
  • Further tailoring of physical properties is achieved by formulating unique concentrations of each constituent.Unlike Amalgam which essentially just fills a hole, composite cavity restorations when used with dentin and enamel bonding techniques restore the tooth back to near its original physical integrity.
Variety of colours of composite resins
Empress Direct – Highly aesthetic composite material

Dental composite resin

In our clinic, we have multiple shade (or colour) to choose to mimic the original colour of the tooth in the mouth. For every restoration, we use different shade for each ‘layer’ during restoration.
Below are some of the cases done in our clinic.

Restoring Composite Resin

(Illustration in great depth)
An old amalgam was removed from a upper right molar and the tooth was ready for filling placement
Firstly, the enamel surface of the molar was treated with phosphoric acid 35%
Then, it was followed by the dentine which was located at the center of the tooth
Next, the cavity was cleaned and dried. A thin layer of adhensive solution was applied over the cavity
Light cure unit was used to activated the adhesive which was photo-sensitive
A metal band was used to wrapped around the molar
The metal band was checked to ensure that there was no gap between the tooth and the metal band. This was to prevent the filling material from overflow out from the cavity.
‘Dentine shade’ composite resin was placed at the center of the cavity to cover the darkish stain in the dentine area.
The composite was light-cured to make it harden
Next, ‘enamel shade’ composite was placed over the ‘dentine shade’ composite (layering technique) to get the translucency effect.
‘Enamel shade’ composite was placed at the side-wall of the molar and was cured (with light-cure unit)
The metal band was removed and more composite was placed at the side-wall of the molar so to achieve a nice contour and bulbosity.
This was the result after the composite harden
The composite excess was removed with a rotary white stone
The restoration was checked to look of  any interference with the lower teeth during biting and chewing (with a bite registration tape)
And the red markings from bite registration tape was removed
Finally, for aesthetic reason, grooves and fissures was make on the tooth surface
And ‘stain’ composite was placed on the fissure to make it looked like the neighboor teeth
Lastly, light-cure unit used to harden the rest of the composite
The restoration was polished to make is glossy and shining
The Final Result!!
Before and after picture.

Another case: Replacing old silver (amalgam) restorations with composite restorations

This young gentleman came complaining of sensitive to hot and cold at his bottom right molars. On examination, he had a few siler fillings which cracked and had gaps noted at the margin fo the fillings.
The silver fillings were removed and replaced with white fillings. The fillings match with the colour of the tooth  very well as if there was no filling done!!


Clinical cases with white filling

We are using high quality filling materials which are not only strong but match with your teeth perfectly. No one will even notice it. Take a look at some of cases that were done in our clinic…

Gaps between teeth can be reduced with veneers or crowns. However, the simplest way to have them done is by using white fillings.

Any fractured tooth can be restored with composite fillings. You will be able to enjoy your food better and smile big smiles.

Even a chipped tooth due to a fall can be restored!!

Composite filling material was used to improve the shape and colour of old veneers of all the front teeth.

Decay and gap seen at the right central incisor was restored with aesthetic fillings.

Multiple old silver restorations was replaced with composite fillings which resulted in the fillings almost undetectable.

A large cavity on a molar was restored with white filling.

The malformed canine was contour into a nice tooth.

Another old silver filling was restored with white filling.

Extensive cavity of the tooth was restored with composite filling.


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